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I'll show you step-by-step exactly how to build a highly successful hook for you, your business, or your client's businesses... and I'll give you the exact formula I use for building million-dollar hooks.
Part 1
Right out of the gate, you will learn how to close an emotional sale and why most hooks may grab attention but fail to help you open people to buying from you.
The three secret types of hooks that are proven to not only get attention, but set the correct bias towards buying from you.
Why the true value you offer is more influential than any marketing scheme and how to ensure people see it.
Part 2
Design a custom hook that can be used in any marketing campaign to promote your product or service.
Send in your hook for review and reaction by our trained staff.
See some of the world's most successful hooks and how you can mirror their strategy.
Part 3
With professional feedback from our trained staff, you will quickly see any gaps in your hook and make the necessary adjustments so it is ready for any campaign.
See some of the world's most successful hooks and how you can mirror their strategy.
"As much as I value this now, I am certain I will look back and find that it has been a critical part that kept me on this road. It has been an incredible value to me. This has given me the confidence I needed."
"Shaye grounded me and helped me make sense of my marketing. I was all over the place and he helped me set my business in order. He has made my work a bigger success and has become a very good friend."
"Shaye is easy to work with, and is a man of dedication and integrity. He's incredibly creative and knowledgeable. Shaye is one of the "behind-the-scenes" geniuses whose work makes others visible and prominent."
"Excellent! It’s about time we start recognizing the inherent value in raw ideas."
"This has completely changed my mindset of marketing. This has helped me narrow down the value that we provide and how can I get that messaging out in a clear and concise way."
"I'm quite impressed. The guide and the challenge provoked a lot of thought out of me. It was invaluable to me as this was unknown to me. I couldn't be happier."
"Shaye is going to show you some amazing things. I've started 10 different companies. I have 400 companies that I own equity in and I thought I knew everything. To be able to tell a story that resonates with the person that's listening to you is critically important and I try to do that in everything I do, but it's really hard. When I saw Shaye and what he was doing, I thought, this is something that everybody needs. Every entrepreneur needs to know about and learn about and process this in their every day life as they are growing their company from some small thing to the next billion-dollar venture."
Fred Cary - CEO IdeaPros