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A precise value offer and position you install in your business.
You are going to see the underpinning details of a token and learn exactly how you can use them in your business.
Causes your ideal prospects to REQUIRE what you charge for.
Value is worth much more than money. You will see how to turn a token into a real currency that can be used in any market.
By turning your key value into a tradeable currency, you become in demand.
Learn the framework to distribute your token to cause massive numbers to REQUIRE what you charge for.
"Shaye is easy to work with, and is a man of dedication and integrity. He's incredibly creative and knowledgeable. Shaye is one of the "behind-the-scenes" geniuses whose work makes others visible and prominent."
"Shaye grounded me and helped me make sense of my marketing. I was all over the place and he helped me set my business in order. He has made my work a bigger success and has become a very good friend."
"As much as I value this now, I am certain I will look back and find that it has been a critical part that kept me on this road. It has been an incredible value to me. This has given me the confidence I needed."